Being .03% Away From Graduating With Honors at Le Cordon Bleu is a GPA Travesty

(This was written a while back and then taken down because I wrote the wrong percentage and felt like a dork...)   People who think this is a first world problem need to calm down. Imagine working your brain to maximum capacity for over two years, only to find out you are .03% away from graduating with honors. This feels like a load of this and that, as well as bull with another word...

Working Out to Fit Into Chef Pants

What is up with having to go to the gym to fit into chef pants? Sure, I could have bought externship chef pants a few sizes larger, but that behavior is accepting post-cancer pound packing in which I will have no part. In exactly 14 days I will begin my externship after having postponed it for surgery. Please pause to feel sad if you feel it is the right thing to do. The new externship will...

Externship Whining: Working the Line is Terrifying

Freaking out about a culinary school externship is so lame. Please keep this secret because I am none other than the student freaking out. I went to a hip restaurant at the beginning of the summer with the intent to successfully work there for three months. This would mean graduating in January with all of the other responsible students. Thanks to cancer treatment problems, I had to have one...

Restaurant Rotation Class at Le Cordon Bleu is the Scariest Class at Le Cordon Bleu

Only 8 more days until the very last class at Le Cordon Bleu will end. This class is scary. I'm not talking about basic scary, oh no. This is Freddie Krueger-Exorcist-Shining-Michael Myers scary. Just calm down with me. Students who suck will never make it out of this class. Don't even think about it! The next quest to conquer will be three months of an externship somewhere in Dallas. I was...

Lobster Day at Le Cordon Bleu

Pretending a lobster was never alive is the right thing to do. Being a pescatarian means the only food left that brings ultimate joy in life is seafood. Yes, it is gross to think of bottom dwellers and all of the other facts that come with this kind of food. I agree, but decided to repressĀ it a long time ago. For some reason, seafood doesn't hurt my feelings-- especially lobster rolls. The class...