Raise the Roof: Finally Graduating From Le Cordon Bleu

Le Cordon Bleu graduation was January 9th. The entire internet was invited, even though rules specifically stated no more than ten people per graduate. Most of the time it is best to be a rule-follower. Sometimes the best rule-follower in the history of following rules can't do it. Graduates had to arrive earlier than the entire invitedĀ internet, as well as each person's family. All parts of my...

Inviting the Internet to Attend My Le Cordon Bleu Graduation

Maybe inviting the entire internet to my Le Cordon Bleu graduation in January is not the right thing to do. There are several problems to consider. Internet people might not enjoy graduations. These same internet people might growl at the thought of not getting a front row seat. What if all seats are taken when the internet people arrive? This would mean standing for hours. How can the internet...

Retaking Baking & Pastry Class at Le Cordon Bleu —> Approved

In case anyone on the internet cares, all dreams of graduating with honors have now become reality for this culinary student. Le Cordon Bleu approved retaking Baking & Pastry while also completing my externship at aĀ secretĀ restaurant in Lake Highlands.Ā This is a big deal! MakingĀ a measly BĀ the first time around has caused a massive amount ofĀ GPA drama to occur. Retaking Baking &...

Being .03% Away From Graduating With Honors at Le Cordon Bleu is a GPA Travesty

(This was written a while back and then taken down because I wrote the wrong percentage and felt like a dork...)   People who think this is a first world problem need to calm down. Imagine working your brain to maximum capacity for over two years, only to find out you are .03% away from graduating with honors. This feels like a load of this and that, as well as bull with another word...

Restaurant Rotation Class at Le Cordon Bleu is the Scariest Class at Le Cordon Bleu

Only 8 more days until the very last class at Le Cordon Bleu will end. This class is scary. I'm not talking about basic scary, oh no. This is Freddie Krueger-Exorcist-Shining-Michael Myers scary. Just calm down with me. Students who suck will never make it out of this class. Don't even think about it! The next quest to conquer will be three months of an externship somewhere in Dallas. I was...