1252 Tapas Bar ~ Uptown Park

Our Signature Cocktail Series continued recently at the newest 1252 Tapas location at Uptown Park in Houston. Typically, using the word spastic is reserved for truly spastic moments. Maybe it's been overused in the past because only now have I witnessed complete and total service industry employee spasticness. Let's begin with... The Manager. This guy's love for 1252 is as the love of a mother...


Entering Underbelly for dinner is like walking a pork belly plank, as it feels impossible to leave without pork products perusing one's palette. Mental pork preparation is key to survival. Without looking at a menu, one can vividly imagine a pork massacre from apps to entrée. Terrifying best describes all assumptions being made. It really didn't matter because a dessert review had already been...


Kiran's has been keeping a massive manager secret. This manager mystery was unraveled recently, soon after opening the door for dinner. Standing in a sweat producing stance, was a man owning the most ultimate swagger of any restaurant manager in the state of Texas. Rawad Semaan is simply not playing swagger games with anyone. Having first met at The Grove two years ago, he proved his savvy...

Triniti Restaurant + Bar ~ Lobster Roll & French Fry Joy!

Today is National French Fry Day. Triniti must hold its head high on this above average day, for they exceed all French fry expectations. Every fry is cooked crispy crunchy to perfection. Who likes a lame fry having no crunch? Eww. Even worse, the soggy fry. Barf. Does a person exist that wants to scrounge around a bowl, endlessly searching for that one fry meeting all standards of worthiness?...

“Aquiles en Houston” ~ Preview Party

When entering a sassy preview party, um, try as hard as you can not to walk up the wrong stairs. This action is highly not recommended. After hiking a full three stairs up, an employee began to sorda shout, "Those stairs lead to the office." Alrighty then. Glancing around the room was the only option. After a full blown stair investigation, it was quickly confirmed that La Fisheria has another...