Southpaw’s Organic Grill has a tuna melt listed on the menu. Not only is the tuna melt listed on the menu, but it is also listed on none other than… the wall. The gigantic wall menu promises every customer that they will receive melt with their tuna. If a restaurant cannot come through with a tuna melted bang, then the tuna sandwich should never be called a tuna melt.
Just call it a tuna sandwich and move on with your life. Customers can’t possibly become sad when there is no melt because no one around the restaurant promised any kind of melt would happen. The second people start slinging the word melt around, then things are going to get shady– and fast.
Ever since cancer cells have been trying to kill me, suddenly, I have had a non-stop craving for either a grilled cheese sandwich or a tuna melt. Southpaw’s Organic Grill has both listed on the menu. This was like Christmas and the 4th of July all at once. I ordered both and took a seat at the counter bar. I asked the sandwich guy if both sandwiches were going to have the same side because I didn’t see a list of sides. He quickly let me know I would get watermelon and orange slices, but could have banana and apples with the other order.
It was really weird getting this half banana delivery. Maybe it should be fine to have half of a banana delivered this way. For some reason it didn’t feel right. I’m just saying that something seemed off at exactly the moment the banana arrived this way. Other people might think, hey, this banana has arrived the best way ever. I’m just saying this is how I feel, so it must be true.
Look, there’s no way anyone can say the cheese on either of these sandwiches is working out for anyone. Please do not try and defend the cheese on the grilled cheese or tuna pretend melt at Southpaw’s Organic Grill. I noticed that almost everyone in Dallas loves this place. This means whenever you want tuna melt joy or grilled cheese happiness, please, just please– emphasize the melt. Let them know you are horrified by grilled cheese sandwiches that look shady. Tell them you expect melt on your tuna melt and there will probably be a happy ending.
*Worst Grilled Cheese I’ve Ever Had In My Life*
FIVE: High 5!
FOUR: Please & Thank You
TWO: Double Wow
ONE: Wow + Ouch = Wouch
Southpaw’s Organic Grill
3227 McKinney Avenue Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75204