Atomic Pie

After having lived in Lake Highlands for less than three weeks, it is fair to say there's nothing wrong with Lake Highlands. Maybe after a few months things will be horrible, but the beginning can only be considered more than multiple days of glory. Lake Highlands people  who are looking for fabulous pizza delivery need to visit Atomic Pie. The good news is there are several tables for...

Eating Mini Fudge Stripes & Crying For 14 Seconds

My mother-in-law called this morning and said keeping a journal throughout this particular cancer experience is the right thing to do. It is only day 2 and I have so many emotions it's crazy. Day 1 was a blur, so there's no day 1 journal entry. I didn't have the journal idea until today, so it looks like day 1 didn't have a chance. Most of the pain happens during the night and first thing in the...

I thought my stomach was poking out, but it was really a tumor

This is a public stomach service announcement for women everywhere. Sure, getting older means your female stomach automatically starts performing some kind of weird poke-out. This poke-out, disguised as a faux baby belly bump, is uncontrollably sticking out whether female citizens of the United States of America feel like it or not. The Constitution isn't helping anyone when it comes to this...