BREAKING NEWS: Onions Aren’t Supposed to Make People Cry

People not able to attend Le Cordon Bleu may now rejoice, for today is the luckiest day in the history of lucky days. At approximately 4pm this afternoon, I am going to produce a video which will probably be nominated for several culinary training awards. This video is the first of many that promise to force commoners to feel as though they have attended culinary school for a staggering— 3 weeks. That’s right.

Some people continue to cry while cutting an onion. This is a travesty to onions everywhere. While tears are being released from rookie onion-cutters’ ducts, it’s like their faces are telling them to stop being onion-cutting losers. Come on, people! Since I have not cut my finger once, I feel the level necessary to teach knife skills to others has been reached. Check out Almost Veggies TV this Friday for the first video focusing on how to properly dice an onion without crying.

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