Talk about a shockingly sad story. What is going on with all of these Uchi Dallas walk-through stories? There are bloggers walking through the unfinished building of Uchi Dallas and I’m not one of them. Just send me to a dark chamber of sadness forever without even saying goodbye to my family. And then, to make things even more devastating, there are no reservations until around June 10th. What is up with that?
I’ve basically lived for three things this past year.
1) tuna melts
2) deviled eggs
3) Uchi Dallas Opening
All of the sudden, I read over and over and over and over and over again that different bloggers “walked” through the Uchi building like a week ago. Where was Almost Veggies? I’m like the biggest Uchi fan in the history of Uchi fans in Austin, Houston, and Dallas put together. Don’t think this is whining about a non-vite or a VI(no)Peek. No. This is just factual information being expressed, as well as some kind of therapy session from my home computer. Houston Uchi loved me like a sis. We were like best friends forever.
I went to their preview and blah blah blah. Suddenly, I live in Dallas and no one really cares about needing to walk through Uchi Dallas with the chosen ones. What is going on? This can only mean one thing. I’m the opposite of being a part of all pre-Uchi Dallas moments. After slowly twitter stalking Uchi Dallas mentions, I read about food being eaten early by a blogger that wasn’t me. Ouch. They don’t even open until June 1st. This is all too much to comprehend. Yes, we all know what it tastes like because we eat Uchi in other cities. Why oh why and how oh how is this reality?
The press release landed in my inbox recently. Gee. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. Again, this is not whining, oh no— promise. This is passion, people. Fourteen tears would have easily squeaked out of my tear-filled tear ducts during an emotional fast walk-through at Uchi last week. I read people could only take a picture of some kind of red wall. That was it. If they took a picture, then it would be over. That’s what it seems like. I wasn’t there, so I’m not sure– because I was non-invited and this could just be my imagination imagining what it was like to attend the walk-through.

Am I worthy of a pre-Uchi walk-through invite? Hell to the yes. I’ve never said hell to the yes, so something seems right about saying it for the first time right now. Some of you may be thinking that a walk-through is nothing more than walking through. You are all wrong.
Walking through the Uchi building in Dallas before June 1st is like finding out you married someone without an ex-wife. This walk-through, including picture taking of a red wall, is important like that.
After all of this mental Uchi torture, suddenly, there was an email stating I could have a walk-through today. Holy freaking cow. I just saw it five minutes ago. All of this sadness was unnecessary sadness in the end. Let this be a lesson to writers everywhere. You are worthy. You are good enough for an Uchi walk-through. Pause.