Bald is the New Cute

Even though two new chemo treatments started today--> It didn't suck. After sticking the IV in my as-sad-as-saying-goodbye vein, the nurse quickly explained everything about my new chemo treatment. "You are going to be bald in approximately seventeen days." This did not make me cry because my husband and I have been having our own kind of you-are-going-to-be-bald therapy for at...

Wedding Anniversary Dinner Decisions

Today is our wedding anniversary. The reason we are married is because my husband is the world's best husband. Not only is he Guinness Book Husband worthy, he's also the best father in existence. There could be an award ceremony and he would have to attend or the ceremony would be a bogus attempt equaling ultimate father ceremony failure. The first thing he said this morning is the best thing a...

Internal Radiation is No Vacation

Not having radiation is like being on cancer vacation. All I'm saying is internal radiation is a massive form of total torture, to say the least. Holy moly. I mean, what is up with that? Warning. Warning to the people visiting this site for food news. The cancer section is about to get graphic. The morning of every internal radiation means taking two pain pills plus two other relaxation pills....