Pen Clickers

Pen clickers are kind of like bag lickers because even though these people are violating innocent victims, the innocent victims feel they can't say anything about it. Pen clicking while someone else is trying to focus is the most annoying act in existence. I would rather a stranger lick their fingers and slap my face before handing me a bag-licked bag of groceries. The other day I was trying to...

First Week Staging with Chef John Tesar

It's necessary to cut to the chef shoe chase. I'm almost positive chef John Tesar wears Prada chef shoes. This is how I feel after spending three nights staging at Spoon Bar & Kitchen this week. I thought about taking a muscle relaxer the first day, but responsibly realized taking pills on the job might be frowned upon. Instead, I ran four miles earlier that day in order to relax before...

Studio Movie Grill

Serving food and drinks at a movie theater is nothing more than a minimal bonus that should not excite anyone. Do not get your hopes in a tizzy thinking this movie theater's food will ever exceed a concession stand status. The odds simply do not exist. There's this red button movie people are supposed to push on their movie seat tray whenever they are ready to order. Our button turned red and...

My Externship at Spoon with Chef John Tesar

I enrolled in culinary school to acquire the necessary skills to become a credible food critic. Much more knowledge is obviously necessary to advance from an opinionated true-story-telling food writer to a real deal food critic. While this may be laughable to at least 48 comment trolls in Texas, it's a goal that will eventually be achieved. Le Cordon Bleu students must successfully complete an...

Austin Food & Wine Festival Tickets: Poor People Need Not Apply

If you are poor, then you just need to keep being poor somewhere other than the Austin Food & Wine FestivalĀ on April 26th - 28th. Rich people do not have time to listen to poor people complain about the cost of this event. I have a feeling the rich people are the people slinging sentences like--- "Stop complaining about how expensive the Austin Food & Wine Festival is." First of all, no...